
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

end of year refection

 first we went to camp on Monday the seventh of December it was the funniest days of my life. we did lots and lots of things like swimming, arechire, orienteering , a little roller coaster , zip line, animal Eco system and other very cool things.

my favroite was spotlight well i dont really have a favorite because it was all fun.

my bunk room buddys was Akeliah, Mikayla, sukria, asvhi, Dylan, kaisa and my self

the food was amazing the first night for dinner we had this curry thing with vedges and rice . then next night we had nachos after that nignt  we had burger then it was time to leave then on the bus i was bus buddys with kaisa we ate basicly the hole way (lunch) after we got back we got our laugde and then went home.

then the next day we had pj day all we did is watch movies got treats then we went swimmingh and made camp letters to the parent helpers.

then the next day we had top team i was a leader in number 4 my favorite one had to be the water sponge it sure was a long week and now im writing this on the last day.

i say a big farewell  to the year 6 leavers and to Miss Willimson and Kahoo 

thank you guy for being here for us when we need it.